Apple’s $3,500 Vision Pro headset could alter home television viewing habits, as well as the use of computers at work. The headset combines 3D digital content with users’ view of the real world and, following its Friday launch, will compete with options from Meta Platforms and HTC, among others. However, those headsets have mainly seen interest in the video game market.
Walt Disney and Apple have collaborated on an app for the launch, with Vision Pro versions available for “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” and “Avengers: Endgame,” and 3D versions available for 42 Disney films.
Netflix and YouTube have said they are not planning to create new apps for the Vision Pro but that users can stream content on the headset’s browser.
Thanks to the device’s displays and custom computing chips, it could create competition for all other large 2D screens, analysts say. However, it is unlikely to sell on a large scale immediately, due to the price tag.
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