Elon Musk, co-founder of the A.I. Lab, among other ventures, has filed a lawsuit against OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, and its CEO, Sam Altman, for allegedly breaching a contract by prioritizing profits over the public good in developing artificial intelligence. By participating in a multibillion-dollar partnership with Microsoft, Musk said, OpenAI abandoned a founding pledge to make the technology publicly available.
The 35-page lawsuit, filed in San Francisco’s Superior Court, claims that “OpenAI has been transformed into a closed-source de facto subsidiary of the largest technology company, Microsoft.”
Musk helped found OpenAI in 2015, but left the board in 2018. He has since founded his own AI company, xAI.
“The courts of California must decide what OpenAI must do after straying from its original mission,” said entrepreneur and New York University Professor Gary Marcus. “The court of public opinion must decide what it thinks of Musk, who has a fair point about OpenAI but has his own commercial AI interests and choices.”
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