Peacock, NBC’s streaming service, announced Wednesday that it will pick up a spinoff series of “The Office,” the popular workplace mockumentary that aired its last episode more the a year ago. The show, which doesn’t not have a name yet, comes from Greg Daniels, the screenwriter who adapted the original British series of the same name for the U.S., and Michael Koman, a former write for “Late Night with Conan O’Brien” and the co-creator of “Nathan for You.”
The spinoff is notably not a sequel or reboot, but rather focuses on a new storyline. “The documentary crew that immortalized Dunder Mifflin’s Scranton branch is in search of a new subject when they discover a dying historic Midwestern newspaper and the publisher trying to revive it with volunteer reporters,” Peacock said in the announcement.
The two creators of the original British sitcom, Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant, will return as executive producers of the new show, alongside Howard Klein, Ben Silverman and the production studio Banijay Americas. Production is scheduled to start in July, but a release date is currently unknown.
Like the original, the series will focus on an ensemble cast, which so far includes Domhnall Gleeson (of “Ex Machina,” “The Patient,” “About Time”) and Sabrina Impacciatore (of “The White Lotus”).
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