Artificial Intelligence, front and center
CEO North America / August – September 2023
If there is one technological advancement that will end up defining 2023, it will be artificial intelligence.
AI is making itself felt on assembly lines, in the white-collar workplace and with its rollercoaster effects on the stock market. It is also revving up wars between tech giants that are vying to dominate the world of search with super-user-friendly AI bots and are willing to bet their entire wads on being the public’s favorite webpage inquiry buddy.
Meanwhile, despite diligent Fed hikes and sometimes-confusing governmental measures, inflation just can’t be stalled, and that is being felt on the stock market and other financial instruments as weary investors grow more uncertain about their fiscal futures.
Consumers, who now owe more than a trillion dollars in credit card debts in the United States alone, keep spending like there’s no tomorrow, which has kept the economy buoyant, but the IMF is warning that the day of financial reckoning is coming and that the put-it-on-plastic bubble will soon pop.
Temperamental remote workers are throwing temper tantrums about having to go back to the office, and corporations are laying down the law with a variety of incentives and threats, as companies become leaner and meaner.
All of that is enough to make anyone want to find a rock to hide under, so CEO-NA is bringing you a special travel report of a land with monumental and beautiful stones, Egypt, where you can explore your in-person or vicarious adventures into the fascinating dynasties of yore and, at least temporarily, put the crazy dynamics of 2023 behind you.
Thérèse Margolis
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In Depth Interviews with…
052-059 Mary Barra, CEO & Chair, General Motors
060-067 Gianguido Girotti, CEO Boat Division, Beneteau Group
068-075 Jorge Rodriguez, President & CEO, Sorenson Communications
076-083 Samuel Wilson, CEO, 8X8 Inc.
084-089 Jordan Levine, COO, Sola Salons Studios
090-095 Cynthia J. Pasky, Founder, President and CEO, Strategic Staffing Solutions (S3)
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