Discovering new lands in today’s online world is as easy as switching on your computer and hitting the search button.
Sounds and images can transport the erstwhile traveler to previously unknown touristic heights, but that still leaves three senses longing for new adventures.
For a more hands-on experience, try dining at international and ethnic restaurants where you can sample not only regional food, but also get a feel for different cultures through textures, scents, décor and the mingled sounds of local languages and music.
Unassuming, family-owned eateries also offer endless opportunities to discover artisan goods and hear (or overhear) about local issues.
Since jumping on an overseas flight to spend a few days in an exotic new location is not always feasible timewise and moneywise, this is a great time to take advantage of the plethora of diverse cultural neighborhoods across U.S. cities where you can visit and feel like you’re in another country for a few hours.
So next time you are craving a new cultural adventure, make your way down to the nearest Sichuan diner or try out the spongy injera bread at a newly opened Ethiopian bistro.